Cross Discipline Leadership
Cross functional teams are the engine of modern Agile companies and they require solid cross discipline leadership.
Cross functional teams are the engine of modern Agile companies and they require solid cross discipline leadership.
What are 5 common team types seen in most organizations and how do you know which one is best for your situation?
One of the most delicate yet vital balances to strike is between providing clear vision and direction while affording teams the autonomy to chart...
Self organizing teams are powerful, but rarely happen by accident. Leaders need to understand the steps they can take to unlock the potential of self...
When enacting change or transformation, half measures are often doomed to failure and leaders struggle to see the value of going all in.
Help leaders understand the desire to hold back and what they can do to take the plunge and go all in to reap the rewards.
For those battling perfectionism, consider enoughionism. This is the art of doing just enough to accomplish the desired outcome and no more.
Leaders and teams need quick and effective ways to size work for planning. Story points are one of the more effective methods out there.
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