Centered Articles

Shift from Drama to Empowerment

Written by JL Heather | May 17, 2024 1:52:10 PM

Shifting from Drama to Empowerment: A Guide for Leaders


As leaders, our presence sets the tone for the entire organization. How we show up matters immensely, influencing the dynamics of our teams and the overall culture. Yet, it's all too easy to fall into the trap of the Karpman Drama Triangle, where roles of victim, persecutor, and rescuer dominate interactions. The key to fostering a healthier, more empowering environment lies in consciously managing how we show up, steering away from drama and toward empowerment.


Here's how we can make that shift:


Awareness is Key

Recognize the signs of the Drama Triangle in your interactions. Are you playing the victim, casting blame as the persecutor, or swooping in as the rescuer? By identifying these roles, you can begin to disengage from the drama cycle.

Choose Empowerment

Instead of perpetuating drama, strive to embody the roles of coach, challenger, and champion—the Empowerment Triangle. As a coach, guide your team members to find their own solutions. Challenge them to stretch beyond their comfort zones and grow. And, most importantly, champion their successes and celebrate their achievements.

Embrace Radical Responsibility

Shift from a mindset of blame to one of radical responsibility. Take ownership of your actions and their impact on others. By leading with accountability and integrity, you set a powerful example for your team to follow.


Foster Open Communication

Create a culture of honest, transparent communication where team members feel safe to express themselves without fear of judgment or reprisal. Encourage dialogue, active listening, and constructive feedback, laying the foundation for collaboration and trust.

Lead by Example

Ultimately, the most effective way to shift the dynamics of the organization is to embody the principles of empowerment in your own leadership style. Be intentional in how you show up, consistently modeling the behaviors you wish to see in others.


By managing how we show up as leaders, we have the power to transform the culture of our organizations, fostering collaboration, resilience, and growth. Let's commit to stepping out of the drama and into a future defined by empowerment and possibility.